Rosen Method Session
Experience the healing power of Rosen Method Bodywork

In-person Bodywork
1 hour / $200
The Rosen Method releases stored muscle tension with a gentle touch and internal sensing. Old patterns melt with targeted nurturing. Rosen's work brought ease to my body & soul. I believe it can do the same for you. Let me tell you how?
​Muscle tension holds old memories and feelings that were too much to experience at the time.
These muscles soften when the feelings come back into consciousness and it feels safe to experience them. Your Rosen practitioner connects with your muscle tension externally and supports you in connecting with it internally where it can truly release.
When we surrender to our truth the body comes alive.
The diaphragm lets go and the body breathes more freely. This process creates an energized space in which life can happen in a new way. These spontaneous inner movements revitalize the involuntary systems of the body creating a feeling of well-being and aliveness!
Rosen's session happens on a massage table.
A Rosen practitioner is trained to gently touch tense muscles in a way that helps the recipient sense the tension and any thoughts or feelings associated with the tension pattern. Along with being touched there is talking in which what comes up is explored. Aspects of the self that perhaps have not been seen or heard before are listened to deeply. This focused awareness helps old involuntary holding patterns to release.
The Rosen Method works with pain: physical, emotional, and repressed pain.
The practitioner can visit these tender places with the client. The pain can be touched and listened to, allowing the client to relax. Often the pain dissolves. The whole universe within can be accessed through the gentle touch of the Rosen Method Bodywork.
Rosen Method is a creative process with many possibilities.
Each client has their own experience. Clients become more aware of their personal truth. The capacity to feel one's feelings more deeply grows. Clients become more embodied, feeling their inner sensations, and experiencing the inner workings of the body as a resource, a place of rest. The body becomes a portal to a deep knowing, a place of intimacy with the self which can be trusted. Rosen's touch can reach into the core of our being, inviting us to come out to live more fully.
Energy Exchange:
1 hour - $200 or sliding scale to $120

Being Embodied (online)
1 hour
The profound connection that happens with other beings when touching and being touched as deeply as I have experienced in Rosen Method has opened me to a universe within myself that I had no idea ever existed. Within the universe is a resonance that deeply connects me with other people. This connection is the meaning I have spent my life looking for. Rosen Method is my souls work, bringing the gift of aliveness into my body, into my life.
It is often after uncovering the most painful places within my self that something opens inside of me in a way that I have never felt or experienced before. I know this is a part of me that had to close to stay safe. As these long lost pieces of myself come back to me I feel a warmth and kindness towards myself, a deep love. Suddenly the world makes sense and I feel grateful to be alive.
I have come to know that all I search for in the outside world is really waiting to be opened inside myself, waiting to come fourth into the world. From the start I could feel the invitation in the Rosen touch inviting me to come out and dare to live.
While practicing Rosen Method I am continually humbled and inspired by the resiliency in human nature. I have learned to listen and follow the client, holding a space that invites an internal process of awakening. Witnessing as clients open to their truth. Being with whatever arises. Feeling their bodies come alive under my hands as the truth emerges is sacred.
Knowing an ease in my body like I have never felt before, I cannot fathom the richness that lies ahead as this work reaches deeper and deeper into me, into my heart, into my soul into the very core of my being. I feel Rosen Method to be a true path of awakening!

Being Embodied (in-person)
1 hour
Would you like to relax old tension patterns quickly?
Would you like to release repressed emotions that weigh you down and drain your energy?
Would you like to do it without medication and without leaving home?
Your Being Embodied zoom session shows you how to release blockages that hold you back. You will learn to allow emotions to flow through you instead of hardening to block them. You will find new aliveness in your body once you develop the capacity to have your emotions in an embodied way!
When repressed emotions move through us and out of our system, there is a letting go. There is openness to new possibilities and new ways of experiencing the world and ourselves. More clarity emerges. The feeling is the healing. It can feel overwhelming when they are released. They are often memories and feelings that overwhelmed us at earlier times in life. Perhaps even in childhood. But now we may be ready to allow them to emerge and integrate them. Experiencing our emotions creates a safe home for our being in our body. When our emotions are grounded in our inner awareness, they become creative life forces instead of destructive. They guide us into well being.
With guided hands-on exploration, you will connect with your core through your spine. You will use curiosity to connect with your core through your spine. You will learn to use micro-movements to connect with your inner being. Coming home to the body is your most valuable resource. You will trust in your connection